Informácie a popis: Agriturismo blízkosti Firenze v Toscana, Vicchio

Okamžitej Rezervácie
  22 Počet lôžok

Romantická vila v srdci Toskánska, s nádherným výhľadom na kopce, neďaleko mesta Vicchio v Mugello. Strategická poloha na ľahký prístup do Florencie, jazera Bilancino a na medzinárodnú pretekársku dráhu Mugello.

Táto nehnuteľnosť pozostáva zo šiestich apartmánov v rustikálnom štýle, ktoré sú plne vybavené... Pozri Viac

Romantická vila v srdci Toskánska, s nádherným výhľadom na kopce, neďaleko mesta Vicchio v Mugello. Strategická poloha na ľahký prístup do Florencie, jazera Bilancino a na medzinárodnú pretekársku dráhu Mugello.

Táto nehnuteľnosť pozostáva zo šiestich apartmánov v rustikálnom štýle, ktoré sú plne vybavené a vybavené kúrením na zimné obdobie.

Veľmi špecifický bazén na farme je ľahko dostupný zo všetkých domov a je obklopený krásnym súkromným parkom.

Vo vnútri dovolenkového domu budú môcť hostia využívať bazén otvorený od 15. mája do 30. septembra, solárium a pingpongový stôl. Oddýchnuť si potom môžu prechádzkami po okolí ponorení do prírody.
Na požiadanie a za poplatok je možné zorganizovať typické toskánske večere priamo v budove. Cez týždeň sú príležitostne a nezáväzne dodávané záhradné produkty: paradajky, uhorky a cukety.

V bezprostrednej blízkosti apartmánov môžete vykonávať rôzne aktivity, ako sú návštevy pivníc so sprievodcom s ochutnávkou vína a oleja, kurzy jazdy na koni a jazda na koni.
Pre milovníkov športových aktivít sú k dispozícii turistické trasy základnej aj pokročilej úrovne, športový rybolov pri jazere Viola, tenisové kurty, 18-jamkové golfové ihrisko - Poggio dei Medici Golf Club, trasy pre horské bicykle a cyklotrasa, ktorá vedie popri rieke Sieve spájajúcej Vicchio. do Borgo San Lorenzo.

Niekoľko kilometrov od dovolenkového domu nájdete známy medzinárodný okruh Mugello.

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Average review score

  • 8.9
    Zhoda s popisom
  • 8.6
    Komfort / Wellness
  • 8.8
    Pomer ceny a kvality
  • 8.8
  • 8.5
    Služby infraštruktúry
  • 9.5
    Vlastník / Zamestnanci

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Fri, 28 Feb 2025
Fri, 28 Feb 2025
Počet nocí
28 Feb - 28 Feb
Dospelí Deti
- Záloha €

Typ ubytovania Price for 0 nights
Počet lôžok
for 0 nights
Select your accommodation Lodgings

Podrobnosti a Služby

Dostupné v náhradných termínoch
Počet lôžok
  • Total: € 0
  • You have to select at least one accommodation to proceed with your reservation

Pridelte hostí na ubytovanie

Please, tell us how you would like to allocate your traveling companions in the following accommodations, in order to give the owner all the indications he needs to prepare the lodgings, as well as to provide you with a precise estimate of your stay.

Počet lôžok
cena €
Appartamento xxxxxxxxx
Počet lôžok
CELKOVá CENA € 1.111€
Požadované služby
Your dates are highly demanded and the property seems not to be available; please, see below the alternative dates or check the availability with the owner sending him your request .

Your dates are highly demanded and the property has a limited availability; if you don't like the accommodations proposed, ask the owner for alternative solutions sending him your request.

Požadované služby
  • Total: € ĎALšIE

Dostupnosť pre flexibilné termíny

The search with flexible dates has found also the following availabilities in the property. Please look for which dates you prefer and make your reservation.

Enter your request

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Zásady ochrany osobných údajov

Prihláste sa k odberu noviniek a dostávajte naše ponuky a najnovšie Správy.

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Zásady ochrany osobných údajov

Zadajte osobné údaje


Fri, 28 Feb 2025

Fri, 28 Feb 2025

Počet nocí



Best price

No additional costs

Okamžité potvrdenie


Fri, 28 Feb 2025

Fri, 28 Feb 2025

Počet nocí



Best price

No additional costs

Okamžité potvrdenie

Pozor, vyskytla sa chyba!

Zadávanie osobných informácií

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Zásady ochrany osobných údajov
  • ĎALšIE

All Accommodations

Ponúkané Služby

Všeobecné Služby

Majiteľ prítomný
Domáce zvieratá povolené
Plavecký bazén
Vonkajšie osvetlenie
Upratovanie na konci pobytu

Technologické služby

Pripojenie k internetu
Wi-Fi pripojenie k internetu

Športové služby

Ping pong

Ostatné služby

Vonkajší nábytok
Vonkajšia jedálenská časť

Služby v okolí

600 Mt Jazdectvo
1 Km Reštaurácia-Pizzeria
2 Km Železničná stanica
2 Km Centrum mesta
2 Km Cyklotúry
2 Km Rybolov
2 Km Lekáreň
2 Km Supermarket
2 Km Potraviny
2 Km Tenis
2 Km Bar - Kaviareň
8 Km Obchod s odevmi
8 Km Nákupné stredisko
8 Km Nemocnica
10 Km Vrch
16 Km Golf
16 Km Jazero
20 Km Podniková predajňa

Hovorené jazyky

Hovoríme anglicky English
Hovoríme taliansky Italiano

Zmluvné podmienky - Vicchio 263 - CIN: IT048049B4YRGJI6L7

Deposit rules

Na rezerváciu sa vyžaduje záloha vo výške 30%. spolu.

Pri rezervácii ubytovania pomocou okamžitej rezervácie on-line chránenej Certifikát SSL bude príjemca platby na účte uvedený ako 4tourism srl.
4Tourism s.r.l società unipersonale
Via S.Antioco 70 - 56021 Cascina (PI) - Codice Fiscale 01618980500 - Partita Iva 01618980500
4tourism srl registered in the CCIAA of Pisa nr.141307 owner of the
Travel Agency Tour Operator ..

Spôsob platby zálohy: Bankový prevod

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 American expressamex




Predpisy o zostatkoch

Celkové vyúčtovanie bude zaplatené: pri príchode

Platba musí by? vykonaná prostredníctvom: Platobná karta - Bankový prevod - Eurošek

Poplatky Za Zrušenie

V prípade zrušenia do 1 dní pred príchodom bude účtovaná pokuta 30% z celkovej sumy.

Stornovania od 0 dd od príchodu do 0dd od príchodu - aplikujeme penále vo výške 100% z celkovej ceny.

V prípade zmeškaného príchodu alebo predčasného odchodu platia podmienky zrušenia pre možnosť '0 dní od príchodu'

Pravidlá hotela

Príchody musia by? medzi 16:00 - 20:00.

Izby sa musia opustiť najneskôr o 10:00.

Pobytová taxa

Pre roky 14 a viac ako - platí v mesiacoch od Január do December - € 2.00 Za osobu a deň - Až dní 6

Nie je zahrnuté v cene, platiť na mieste


Best price

100% bezpečná rezervácia

No additional costs


July 2024

“We just loved everything about the place! And as being within walking distance to Vicchio, everything was in easy reach even without the need for a car. Even a wineyard with winetasting was within walking distance.”

Johannes I od Sweden

June 2024

“Responsive, accommodating, concerned for my safety,”

Haben Equbay od United States

October 2023

“La maison est très confortable et belle. J'ai pu découvrir une belle région de la Toscane.”

Claire od France

September 2023

“Charming rustic furniture. Huge kitchen. Large outside place. 25m long swimming pool.”

Monique od Germany

July 2023


Kim od Denmark

July 2016

“> Cadre idyllique : champêtre, authentique et charmant > Des hôtes conviviaux et toujours disponibles > Une très grande piscine incroyable entourée de verdures. On nage au coeur de la Toscane > Demeure pleine de charme > Un cadre idyllique et dépaysant > L'appartement Geranio idéal pour un couple, parfaitement équipé > Fraicheur à l'intérieur”

Anonyme od France

August 2012

“Grande piscine, entretenue quotidiennement. Présence discrête des propriétaires, qui restent toujours disponibles.”

Anonyme od France

August 2011

“Un très grand appartement de caractère qui garde la fraîcheur, un charme fou, une piscine formidable. Le silence du site. Des propriétaires charmants et discrets. ”

BORDES de xxxxxxxxxxxx (France) od

August 2011

“great location , super friendly and helpful owner. All was very good, clean, easy. Relaxing from the first moment you arrive ! ”

Kai Klinge from Zurich (Switzerland) od

July 2011

“1. Owners really friendly and prompt to serve, 2. Appartment was spacious equipted from one hand with excellent ancient design furniture and from the other with the electric equipment really new.”

Takis BOURAS from Athens - Greece od